The Ohio Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (OCAFS) is an organization of students and professionals from all over Ohio who have an interest in fisheries management, aquatic biology, and related issues.  Along with 15 other chapters throughout the midwestern U.S. and Canada, we constitute the North Central Division (NCD) of the American Fisheries Society, which is the largest and oldest professional fisheries organization in the world.

OCAFS Goals:

  • To serve as the primary resource for members’ professional development.
  • To be recognized by the public as a primary source of scientifically-based information concerning conservation and management of regional fisheries and aquatic ecosystems.
  • To be involved in the development of public policy affecting fish and fisheries.
  • To increase the diversity of its membership and the fisheries profession.
  • To promote OCAFS fishery managers and scientists as recognized professionals to employers, media, and the public.

Contact: [email protected]