The North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society wants you to participate in their Technical Committees. OCAFS members can attend meetings and serve as NCD Tech Committee Representatives for the chapter to transfer information to and from Ohio Chapter members. You must be an AFS Parent Society member to serve as Tech Committee Representative for the OCAFS, but all members can participate in Tech Committee activities. Listed below are the current NCD Tech Committees and the OCAFS members that are the Committee representatives.
Centrarchid: Zak Slagle
Esocid: Curtis Wagner
Ictalurid: Jacob Bentley
Reservoir: Joe Conroy
Rivers and Streams: Taylor Hunkins
Salmonid: Paul Pira
Walleye: Jeremy Pritt
Student and Early Career Professionals - Steven Gratz
Urban and Community Fishing - Tory Gabriel
Other Technical Committees are formed from time to time based on research and information needs. Visit the NCD-AFS Website for further information or to contact a NCD representative regarding Tech Committee activities.